Daily adventures, Top 5 lists

Top 5 places to make out (summer edition)


As Nelly would put it: It´s getting hot in here! Doesn´t summer bring out all the love in you, too?

Well, if so, here are the 5 best places for you and your loved one to enjoy a little PDA (whilst writing this I realize some might get the wrong idea, so I call upon your common sense, I only mean a little kissing and cuddling, people!).

Burggarten (Map)

Back in the days our emperor used to take a stroll in his „backyard“, so naturally the Burggarten is a very well-kept and beautiful park right next to the Hofburg. While watching ducks swim in the pond or the rich and the bold drink their Aperol Sprizz in the nearby „Palmenhaus„, you can lie on the grass and induldge in the beauty of it all.

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Alte Donau (Map)

If you are a sucker for boats like I am, the Alte Donau is the place to go. You can rent a paddleboat or electroboat (some boat rentals even offer picknick baskets) and ride along Vienna´s closest thing to a beach. If that doesn´t have romance written all over it, what else has?

Hermesvilla (Map)

You won´t run across lots of tourists here, since the Hermesvilla located in the Lainzer Tiergarten is rather off the beaten track in the South-Western part of Vienna. The surroundings of the Hermesvilla used to be the Austrian emperor´s hunting grounds and the Hermesvilla was built to keep flighty Sisi happy. Nowadays, the villa houses a restaurant and the surrounding woods are just the perfect spot for long romantic strolls.


Augarten (Map)

Sometimes all you need to set the mood for a little romance is a lovely view. Well, here you go. The baroque Augarten is Vienna´s oldest park area and offers wonderful views along flower banquets and trees. It also has a very peculiar trait you won´t find in any other parks: two old flak towers dating from the second world war, which are extremely massive and set a strong contrast to the otherwise very pittoresque garden.

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Donaukanal (Map)

If you are more of a city person who enjoys a more alternative spirit rather than imperial atmosphere, you might find the right spot at Vienna´s Donaukanal. You can either just sit by the water, look at the graffiti walls and the rather hip and younger crowd, or enjoy a drink or snack at one of the many bars along the canal. (Note: most bars are located in between Urania and Roßauer Lände)


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